My old (band) mates the Teeny Tiny Stevies asked if I could direct their first ever live-action film clip.

We wanted an evolution from the beautiful animated clips they’d been making, and to establish a live-action ‘look’ for the Aria-winning kids band. Like their music, I wanted this to be parent-friendly kids TV, which doesn’t burn your retinas with garish colours or plastic smiles.

With DOP Daniel De Sliva, we used the new DJI Ronin 4D to choreograph camera moves that wouldn’t previous have been possible within the space or time frame.

And along with art director Szilvia Kaszaniczky, we developed a distinct, warm aesthetic.

I worked closely with Byll & Beth on a series of one-take dance routines that capture the spirit of collaboration, and the joy and authenticity of their music.