I produced, co-wrote and directed the online series Altruman, which follows a selfless superhero as he begins to question his life choices after he's diagnosed with cancer.

The series was supported by Screen Australia and premiered on ABC iview in Australia, and was then licensed with Canal +. 


Winner - Best Actor (Comedy) - Indie Series Awards, LA, 2015

Winner - Best Writing - San Francisco Webfest 2015

Nominee -  Best Director (Comedy), Indie Series Awards, LA, 2015

Nominee - Best Soundtrack - Indie Series Awards, LA, 2015

Official Selection - LA Webfest 2015

Official Selection - Seattle Webfest 2015

Nominee, Best Dramedy, Best Direction - Rome Web Awards 2015

Official Selection - Buenos Aires Webfest 2015

Official Selection - Hollyweb Festival 2015

Official Selection - Miami Webfest 2015